Opening of an internal competition on files for the promotion to the grade of Secretary of Administration of Education (Session 2024) 13/11/2024 Opening of an internal competition on files for the promotion to the grade of Secretary of Administration of Education (Session 2024)2024-11-13T16:31:09+00:00 Administration Continue Reading
Opening of an internal competition for promotion to the grade of Chief Education Officer (session 2024) 13/11/2024 Opening of an internal competition for promotion to the grade of Chief Education Officer (session 2024)2024-11-13T16:28:58+00:00 Administration Continue Reading
Opening of an internal competition for promotion to the grade of Deputy Head of Education (Session 2024) 13/11/2024 Opening of an internal competition for promotion to the grade of Deputy Head of Education (Session 2024)2024-11-13T16:26:36+00:00 Administration Continue Reading
Internal competition on files for the promotion to the grade of Education Advisor Administrator (Session 2024) 13/11/2024 Internal competition on files for the promotion to the grade of Education Advisor Administrator (Session 2024)2024-11-13T16:24:18+00:00 Administration Continue Reading
Educational support for disabled students in schools 08/11/2024 Educational support for disabled students in schools2024-11-08T12:13:45+00:00 Administration Continue Reading
Application for the selection of primary school inspectors responsible for training pupils for the National Education and Teaching Licence 30/10/2024 Application for the selection of primary school inspectors responsible for training pupils for the National Education and Teaching Licence2024-10-30T16:27:36+00:00 Administration Continue Reading
Celebration of World Arabic Language Day 30/10/2024 Celebration of World Arabic Language Day2024-10-30T16:24:41+00:00 Administration Continue Reading
Internal competition for promotion to the grade of principal architect(Session 2024) 30/10/2024 Internal competition for promotion to the grade of principal architect(Session 2024)2024-10-30T00:24:53+00:00 Administration Continue Reading
Calendar of termly assessment tests in the primary cycle and organisational arrangements for the 2024-2025 school year 24/10/2024 Calendar of termly assessment tests in the primary cycle and organisational arrangements for the 2024-2025 school year2024-10-24T11:12:48+00:00 Administration Continue Reading
Allocation of teachers responsible for pedagogical assistance in collèges, collèges techniques and lycées for the 2024-2025 school year 24/10/2024 Allocation of teachers responsible for pedagogical assistance in collèges, collèges techniques and lycées for the 2024-2025 school year2024-12-02T00:34:00+00:00 Administration Continue Reading