Guide for using online registration service for primary school students 08/08/2019 Guide for using online registration service for primary school students2024-09-02T09:41:13+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
The results of the movement of coupling 07/08/2019 The results of the movement of coupling2024-09-02T09:41:13+00:00 Concours professionnel Continue Reading
Première tranche des promotions des professeurs du primaire au grade de professeurs hors classe émérite (Session 2019) 01/08/2019 Première tranche des promotions des professeurs du primaire au grade de professeurs hors classe émérite (Session 2019)2024-09-02T09:41:14+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Application for small businesses in the field of maintenance educational establishments of maintenance of computer equipment and networks 22/07/2019 Application for small businesses in the field of maintenance educational establishments of maintenance of computer equipment and networks2024-09-02T09:41:37+00:00 Concours professionnel Continue Reading
Concours interne sur diplômes pour la promotion des professeurs du secondaire du corps commun (Session 2018) 17/07/2019 Concours interne sur diplômes pour la promotion des professeurs du secondaire du corps commun (Session 2018)2024-09-02T09:41:37+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Première tranche de la promotion des professeurs hors classe non issus des instituts supérieurs pour la formation des enseignants au grade de professeurs hors classe émerite (Session 2019) 04/07/2019 Première tranche de la promotion des professeurs hors classe non issus des instituts supérieurs pour la formation des enseignants au grade de professeurs hors classe émerite (Session 2019)2024-09-02T09:41:37+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Mouvement dans le cadre de rapprochement des conjoints du cycle primaire session 2019/2020 24/06/2019 Mouvement dans le cadre de rapprochement des conjoints du cycle primaire session 2019/20202024-09-02T09:41:38+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Results of internal debates in files to upgrade the staff of the administrative corps of education 2018 12/06/2019 Results of internal debates in files to upgrade the staff of the administrative corps of education 20182024-09-02T09:41:38+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Results of the internal debates in the files for the promotion of the agents of the wire of applied educational guides (2018) 10/06/2019 Results of the internal debates in the files for the promotion of the agents of the wire of applied educational guides (2018)2024-09-02T09:41:38+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Results of the internal debate of the files to upgrade the staff of the common technical corps (2018) 01/06/2019 Results of the internal debate of the files to upgrade the staff of the common technical corps (2018)2024-09-02T09:41:38+00:00 External contest Continue Reading