Preliminary result for the recruitment of contract agents at the International School 19/01/2024 Preliminary result for the recruitment of contract agents at the International School2024-09-02T09:32:47+00:00 Internal contest Continue Reading
Preliminary result for the selection of contractual teachers at the International School of Tunis 19/01/2024 Preliminary result for the selection of contractual teachers at the International School of Tunis2024-09-02T09:32:47+00:00 Internal contest Continue Reading
Opening of an internal competition for promotion to the grade of Senior Technician (Session 2023) 14/12/2023 Opening of an internal competition for promotion to the grade of Senior Technician (Session 2023)2024-09-02T09:33:10+00:00 Internal contest Continue Reading
Internal competition on files for the promotion of computer analysts and technicians (2023 session) 14/12/2023 Internal competition on files for the promotion of computer analysts and technicians (2023 session)2024-09-02T09:33:10+00:00 Internal contest Continue Reading
Internal competition for promotion to the grade of senior professor of the joint corps of English and computer science teachers (Session 2023) 14/12/2023 Internal competition for promotion to the grade of senior professor of the joint corps of English and computer science teachers (Session 2023)2024-09-02T09:33:10+00:00 Internal contest Continue Reading
Competition for the integration of workers into the technical body (2023 session) 13/12/2023 Competition for the integration of workers into the technical body (2023 session)2024-09-02T09:33:10+00:00 Internal contest Continue Reading
Integration of workers into the education administration corps (Session 2023) 13/12/2023 Integration of workers into the education administration corps (Session 2023)2024-09-02T09:33:10+00:00 Internal contest Continue Reading
Internal competition on files for the promotion of the administrative body of education (2023 session) 13/12/2023 Internal competition on files for the promotion of the administrative body of education (2023 session)2024-09-02T09:33:10+00:00 Internal contest Continue Reading
Internal competition on the basis of files for the promotion of educational application advisers (2023 session) 13/12/2023 Internal competition on the basis of files for the promotion of educational application advisers (2023 session)2024-09-02T09:33:10+00:00 Internal contest Continue Reading
Competitive examination for the promotion of librarians and documentation staff (2023 session) 13/12/2023 Competitive examination for the promotion of librarians and documentation staff (2023 session)2024-09-02T09:33:10+00:00 Internal contest Continue Reading